Now you have seen the typewritten films made on an old Royal typewriter why not
pay a visit to the best antique typewriter web site?
Vintage wireless site which is worth a visit.
Radios for sale and many other sections
Wonderful site here for those who wish to design and promote their own web site.
If you enjoy ballet after seeing Button Ballet here is a wonderful UK ballet company, who have a well laid out website.
Great site for all things video and film
Animated flags and many gifs here
for enhancing a website
BetterPhoto teaches picture-takers how to take better pictures. The site features online photography courses, Web sites for photographers, a free monthly photo contest, and great tips on photographic technique. A useful Q&A, photo discussions, and free email newsletters also provide expert help with all areas of photography..
If you have a web site this is how to check out if it’s Search Engine friendly

Patrick Saine is a well travelled ophthalmic photographer with a difference.
Many of his photographs use images of the eye's retina to create
quilted images. His other close up images of the retina are quite stunning,
and his other imagery is an eye opener, if you will excuse the pun!
Here you will also find interesting views on the ‘ Creative oils,’ and ponder
on how long a photograph really is!
Another vintage radio site, with a Goss china radio section which is unusual.
Well worth a visit.